Family History and Search The first known Langwost is Hinrich Hermann Langewurst, born around 1690
in Vörie, a small village near to Hannover, lower saxony, Germany. His son Johann Georg Langewurst, born 13.09.1732 in Vörie, lived in Roloven, another small village near Hannover. In Roloven most of the Langwost’s lived and still
a lot of Langwost are located in or around Roloven.With this homepage we would like to get in contact with all Langwosts living around the world to build up a large family tree. Therefore we collect detailed data about all
deceased and living Langwost or related persons. Related persons means people who had or have a mother with the maiden name Langwost. Detailed data includes the whole name, day and place of birth, marriage, death and the
occupation. For the living Langwosts also (of course) the address and e-mail. If you are a Langwost or a related person or you know someone with the name Langwost: Please feel free and
contact me via e-mail or an old-fashioned paper letter. Thanks! |